Welcome to the Dawg Prints MobilePrint website!
Thank you for visiting print.uw.edu!
Welcome to the home of the University of Washington My Print Center managed Dawg Prints.Starting on Monday, December 17, 2018 at 12:00am PST, My Print Center will be available to use for all UW students and faculty.
You will be able to upload documents from your mobile devices and release them at any of our Dawg Prints locations.
Print drivers will still be available to download here.
If you have any questions, concerns, and/or feedback, please email us at uwcshelp@uw.edu
or visit our main website at http://dawgprints.washington.edu.
Go Dawgs!
-Your Dawg Prints Team
The print drivers are available to use for printing on your Mac and Windows PC, but are not necessary for using My Print Center.
Status updates, system maintenance notices, and Dawg Prints downtime all documented and posted on dpalerts.
Dawg Prints is at Dawg Daze!

We are excited to announce, that for the fifth year in a row, we will be having a Dawg Daze event!
Please stop by and visit us in the Odegaard Library on September 27, 2018. We will have bookmarks, temporary dawg tattoos, and dawg buttons.
Edit: Thank you all for stopping by! Please come see us again next year!